So, if you dont watch this show, your either 1.) hiding under a rock, or 2.) Blind in both eyes. The Hills is one of the most watched shows on MTV, idont have any evidence but its obvious from the big Finale events, its a pretty important program. Anyways, the last episode was a bit of a Blur. Heidi and Spencer get married thats not to much of a surprise. This was also Lauren's FINAL season. now, why wouldn't they just say the hills is over? Lauren MADE the hills, so how can you go on without her? well there was a surprise at the end of the Final Episode. Kristen Cavallari, who is Lauren's long time enemy, rival w/e is the NEW star of The Hills. ithought that was so disrespectful on so many levels, because nobody even talks to Kristen, except for like Heidi? who has been desperately trying to get all of her friends back *side eye*, but as soon as Lauren leaves Kristen enters, Lmao @ that, Kristen should Honestly feel like a liability. Besides her loud mouth, nobody payed her to much attention cause . . . . nobody reele cares, but the new season coming up looks reele interesting. Since Jade (Broady's GF) and Kristen look like they are new best friends, will they gang up on Audrina? poor girl she honestly has like no back bone, lol. iguess Kristen was like the last option for the people over @ MTV, since Whitney left two seasons ago, now Laurens gone; they need some real drama & they knew she'd bring it. hopefully people just dont H8 her as much as they hate spencer, ;-)
Now, the 09’ MTV Movie Awards, was just ridiculous. iguess people do anything for Ratings? ;-p anyways, they cursed WAYY WAYY WAYY to many times during the show, if icounted the amount of times idropped my mouth I’d be here all day. Im not trying to imply that im a goody two shoes, but like damn little kids do watch MTV nowadays, you cant just be blurting out shit like “ its my dick in a box “ honestly what was that? iddnt find any amusement in it at all, as a matter of fact all me and my cousin did during the whole program was shake our heads. It just shows you how times have REALLY changed. Now, the Eminem thing; that was VIOLATION TO THE 100,000 power. iddnt catch it on TV due to other important things, but isaw a video on necolebitchie.com. idk if they planned that? if they planned it specifically on Eminem or whadever? But thers certain things you just don’t do. The guys ass was LITERALLY IN/ON Em’s face. & then he’s joking like “hey lets go to my hotel room“ man that was a neck. Definitely, nobody aint get mad till they really figured out what was going on. Anyways, the Movie Awards in a whole was a BLAHHHH – BORINGG type thing. Jamie Foxx better do a better job w/ the BET Awards. For those of you that don’t know, he did Host the 01’ MTV VMA’s. He did do a good job iremember very many people laughing. & ialso remember that specific awards show because it was a month after Aaliyah’s death so of course they had a Tribute in her Honor.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
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