so iknow ihavent updated my blog inna while, but . . . IM FUCKING' BACK . iwent on a family trip to Minnesota. my uncle got married, so you know how that goes. iknow it sounds like a boring ass place, same thing isaid BEFORE igot there. living in New York, when igot there the air felt like 200% less polluted; lol . its a reele nice place, fuck that - IT$ A BEAUTIFUL PLACE . like isaid before, ilive in New York, everything is very close together, but in Minnesota its all so spread out . idk why, but iLOVE big areas . flew on a new airline as well, called Sun Country, anybody ever heard of that? me niether . anyways, if your not familiar, Minnesota has the BIGGEST mall in the United States, its called The Mall Of America, go figure? iwas like hmm, okay a big mall? but seriously what mall you know has an amusement park inside of it ? exactly look @ that shit .
yeah, thats BIG ASS MALL . iddnt even visit like 1/4 of it, and we went there three times during our stay . ipeeped the Burberry store, Apple Store, Old Navy, Pac Sun, Finish Line, Foot Locker, & some other shit icant remember right now . of course ipeeped the food court, like DUH, BTW that shit is like heaven :-) loll . oh & ifinally peeped a DQ store, since we have like NONE in New York; TF is up w| that? anybody know a secret location or summin? hit me up ;-) while my lil' cousins and sisters were on all those rides you see above, me and my cousins went to see the Hangover, THAT FUCKING' MOVIE IS THE BUSINESS YOOO . you wont go like a minute without laughing . its like stupid comedy, the movie is so retarded, thats what makes it so funny . irecommend EVERYBODY check that shit out . now to the wedding, it was def. poppin - igot to see how Minnesota pple party, they are so funny; like deadass the wedding should've been taped . ilaughed the whole night . the Hotel was poppin' too . payed that jacuzzi a visit ;-) oh & the weather? it was on point . it ddnt rain once while we were out there . then it was time to leave. idef. ddnt wanna go; igot away from everything for so long, igot used to it . by the time igot home, the airport was like 5,000x more crowded in NY @ like 11:00 . wdf?

even though iloved Minnesota, it made me realize like damn, there really is no place like New York . no place to shop, to hang, to chill, idk about ya`ll but icouldn't go to NYC and do everything in one day . thats the beauty of it, you can never get bored out here . which is why icouldn't see myself living anywhere else, the big apple is where its at . BUT on the other hand iwill be making another trip to Minnesota, ihave to, ienjoyed myself so much, a 2nd trip is a must . going there and being able to say ienjoyed myself made me more open to new places . everyone says they go to Miami, or Cali, or Las Vegas or whatever, but the truth is you could def. have fun in more unrural places like Minneapolis. im not sayin' cancel your trip to Florida, but don't ever turn down a trip to Minnesota, you WON'T regret it .
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
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