i haven't wrote in my blog lately . honestly , its because idont have anything to write about . like , iwant this blog to be personal , but not to personal; and im trying to figure out what would be too personal & not personal . im not sharing my life story w. the world . iwas thinking about just documenting my days taking pics & stuff (still haven't got those batteries , lmao .) but today iwas reading ALL of my posts from beginning to end , from the day istarted this blog . when istarted, it was def. more personal , but after the album reviews ifelt like it was turning into one of those Gossip blogs , lol i'm a young man & reading that just made me upset w. the direction this blog is going in . so basically what all that means is the reason i haven't been writing is because i dont know what i should write about . like what should i say ? music is a part of me, so iwant music to always be involved , & certain things in the entertainment industry i'd like to post here & there , but what i feel is that i've been posting to much of that stuff ; like iforgot what iwas here for . a part of me wants to start all over , but ibeen doing this for a few months now , idont wanna just get rid of it . maybe i'll just delete the far fetched stuff ? or keep everything & after idecide what iwanna do just go from there? hmm ? well bye for now . it's 2:26a.m im tired , lol .
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
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