Lucky for Kid Cudi, Billboard says his album is predicted to sell about 120,000 in its first week. ya'll know igo hard for this nigga, he is too authentic, & even though Jay-Z & Whitney Houston might steal the top spots from him, for him to even sell 100,000 in his first week is a BIG ass accomplishment for a Debut. Good work Cudi, you know i'm routin' for you man.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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damn, this shit is getting out of control ; lmao .
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Friday, September 18, 2009
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iguess since Kanye, everybody just thought they could jump on stage . she reele shoulda known better . if you listen closely around by the 22. mark Jay says " Well alright, you T-Pain-ing right now huh?" Lil Mama continues to shake her head & then the crown says OHHH ! very very briefly . she just embarrassed herself, like wdf was that for? why was she even invited . it kills me how this chick thinks shes on another level cause shes a judge on a sunday night show . smh, iwas rolling on the floor after she posed with them for the pics & then it looked like she wanted a hug after Jay hugged Alicia, she ddnt get one which made her look a lil dumber . obv. Hov wasn't happy about her sudden appearance . iguess when the both of you are from Brookyln, you just think you can do shit like that lmfao .
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Monday, September 14, 2009
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idk about everyone else, but 9/11 never really hit me. imean ialways felt sympathy for those who lost loved ones & what not, but inever really felt saddened by what happened that day, iam very ashamed to say. ithink it was because iwas so young, when all this was going down ihad absolutely no idea what any of it meant. iwas in like 3rd grade, ijust remember a lot of teachers scrambling A LOT of kids going home early, & a handful of people crying. if iwas as wise as iam now back then, it would've definitely had a much bigger impact on me. so long story short, iwatched a bunch of specials on 9/11 today most of them on the history channel & it was something so unbelievable, ifelt like it was something ihad never seen before. like just imagine being there, iwould've thought it was the end of life PERIOD . those buildings were SHOOTING with flames, countless amounts of people were jumping from so high in the sky; and I'm not afraid to say ished a tear. those poor innocent people, just trapped so high in the sky in like 2,000 degree flames just cooking up there. idont wanna reflect on it too much more because its saddening me again, but ifeel we should honor all of those people, and have a great amount of respect for those firefighters who risked their lives. 9/11 was just unnacceptable on so many levels, and was a prime example of non-humanity. inever understood what goes on in the minds of "Jihad-ists". why would God want you to kill his children? who told you that America was the enemy? what kind of twisted idea would make you take your own life & many others? Religion is a crucial issue. some people just believe non sense, just my opinion. in this world we are all equal, if somebody isn't doing right by God it isn't your responsibility to take them out, my knowledge indicates the God didn't have a hitman. if you think about it Religion is like 90% of what's wrong w. the world today. everybody wants to believe in something different, but there honestly is nothing wrong with that because your free to do that. it becomes an issue though when you believe in a religion that motivates you to kill innocent people in the name of God, that is shameful and absurd. how can you even put gods name in such an evil thing? oh & it gets even fucking better, now were letting terrorist attackers out of jail because they have "medical conditions" so fucking what ? half of the US doesn't even have health care now we have sympathy for terrorists? smh ! but whadever what do iknow right ? check the video below. hopefully it humbles everyone, & you realize that life can be a whole lot worse .
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Friday, September 11, 2009
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